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What the High-Fashion Dead Are Wearing This Season

Someone on Upwork is looking for a "Ghost Sports Fashion Writer." There is so much packed into this little job title. To begin with, what are ghost sports? I can only assume the ghosts are participating in competition. The sports world has taken quite a hit, but I didn't think we were at the point of having ghosts compete. That would solve the virus-transmission problem, so maybe it's not such a crazy idea. So, what I hear this person asking for is an expert on what ghosts wear when they compete in sporting events (please refer to my previous blog on overly-specific areas of expertise).

But wait a minute! In the actual content of the post, it says a "Ghost Fashion Sports Writer" is needed. That's completely different! Now we're talking about ghost fashion. What are they wearing this year? And the fact that a sports writer is needed to cover said fashion leads me to believe that there is again some sort of competition going on. A ghost fashion show? A "who wore it best" for ghosts?

Either way, I think I might apply.


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