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Showing posts from August, 2020

Wait, What Are You Looking For?

"Ghost writing autobiographies" Wait, you are a ghost writing autobiographies, or you're looking for a ghost to write autobiographies? Those are two completely different things.  "Needs content for teeth aligned companies" I am assuming you mean teeth-alignment companies. Or do all of these companies have perfect dental alignment? I didn't think companies had teeth, but I'm no expert. "Email newsletters, blog posts, and possibly email drip campaign copywriting (in edgy swagger voice)" In what? Am I supposed to know what "edgy swagger" means? Is that a term a lot of people are using?  "Responsive Squarespace Website for Infant" I don't think most babies can read. Or navigate websites. Or sit up.  "Dog product testor" Do you want a person to test these products? Or are you searching for dogs? You're much more likely to find them on Pupwork. Oh, never mind, you're looking for a testor, not a tester. Carry ...

You Know Who Has Really Big Footprints? Bears!

"Professional video editor needed for edge-of-seat definitive proof of Bigfoot-exists encounter." I have never really wanted to be a video editor until now. I mean, this would just be a fun job. I did take a look at the Appalachian Bigfoot and Dogman Research Facebook site that is mentioned in the post. For the most part, it's full of very fuzzy photos of black bears, photos of black bear footprints, and some photos of footprints that are so large they couldn't possibly be from a black bear (unless of course the black bear was stepping into a front paw track with its back foot, making what looks like a very large bear footprint). Hopefully someone got the job who was a true believer.